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Glamour sees 512,339 reader engagements via social, mobile bar code campaign

Conde Nast?s Glamour magazine saw a total of 512,339 reader engagements for its Friends and Fans campaign that encouraged readers to ?Like? a brand by scanning a social mobile bar code featured on advertisers' static pages.

According to the results released by Glamour and SpyderLynk ? whose technology was leveraged for the campaign ? readers scored more than $85,000 in deals. Additionally, the publication claims that its advertisers have gained more than 50,000 new followers and useful insights for future advertising efforts.

?Social SnapTag campaigns are a powerful tool for driving social connections between consumers and brands,? said Nicole Skogg, CEO of SpyderLynk, Denver.

?Beyond making it easy for a consumer to Like or Follow a brand from almost any advertising surface, Social SnapTags can also provide consumers access to exclusive deals and content incentivizing them to Like or Follow the brand right away,? she said.

?The Social SnapTags campaigns in the September issue of Glamour proved that marketers can use Social SnapTags to materially impact the value and number of their social connections.?

Magazine engagement
Glamour partnered with SpyderLynk in August and deployed social SnapTags on editorial and advertising pages to entice consumers to join brands? social networks.

The social SnapTags featured Facebook or Twitter icons that were placed on pages to give consumers an opportunity to ?Like? or ?Follow? a brand, a celebrity or an editor.

Consumers had to download the Glamour Friends & Fans app to participate.

Glamour found that of the readers who snapped or scanned the social SnapTag, 67 percent liked the magazine or brand to access deals.

Additionally, 18 percent shared those deals with friends.

Glamour also found that the program?s unique users were equivalent to approximately 4 percent of its circulation.

?The Social SnapTag Campaign in Glamour Magazine demonstrates that consumers will engage in 2D mobile bar codes when they find that the advertiser is presenting an engaging offer that is easily accessible,? Ms. Skogg said.

Glamour advertisers used a broad range of campaigns from sweepstakes and promotional discounts and coupons to free samples and entertaining content to engage readers.

Sweepstakes and sample offers provided the highest conversion rates with 85 percent of reader scans.
Discounts and other promotional offers came second with 71 percent of scans.

?Social SnapTag campaigns are now in the works for multiple advertisers including campaigns running in both the December and March issues of Glamour Magazine,? Ms. Skogg said.

Final Take
Rimma Kats is staff reporter on Mobile Marketer, New York