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Lionsgate promotes The Hunger Games through mobile, social ad campaign

Lionsgate is revving up consumer engagement for its much-anticipated film ?The Hunger Games? through a new mobile advertising campaign that marries mobile and social.

The company is running the full-page mobile ads within Moviefone?s iPhone application. The campaign aims to bolster engagement for the upcoming movie.

?The Hunger Games is projected to be a block buster movie,? said Rick Singer, CEO of ?Analyst are projecting $100 million just on opening weekend.

?The cost to make the movie is pegged around the $80 million mark,? he said. ?While expectations are high, Lionsgate needs to do whatever they can to make this movie a success.

?They have a lot invested in this project and I do indeed think it?s a very smart move to run ads on Moviefone's app.?

Mr. Singer is not affiliated with Lionsgate. He commented based on his expertise on the subject.
Lionsgate did not respond by press time.

Let the games begin
The full-page Hunger Games ad pops up while users are browsing the Moviefone app.

The mobile ad lets consumers follow the film on Facebook, watch a trailer and browse show times.
When consumers tap on the Facebook tab, they are redirected to the movie?s social page where they can ?Like? the film.

Currently, The Hunger Games has more than 3 million Likes.

There, consumers can see what other fans are saying about the film and engage with the movie on a social level.

Lionsgate has also used Moviefone?s resources and is letting consumers find the nearest locations that will be playing the film. 

Movie time
Movie studios have been seeing the importance of mobile over the past few years.

For example, Paramount and Sony Pictures constantly use mobile to promote their films.
Additionally, companies who incorporate Fandango or Moviefone help reach a broader audience.

?Web sites such as and have been around for a while now and have helped speed up the process,? Mr. Singer said. ?Fandango last year announced a partnership with Regal Entertainment Group to use QR codes ? off the phone ? as your ticket to the movie.

?This is one of the best things to come from movies and mobile,? he said. ?One of the things that consumers have had to do when going to the movies is adjust for traffic to get to the theater and how early to get there to buy tickets.

?Using a QR code saves a lot of time and speeds up the process. I am hoping to see some type of universal system or multiplatform to allow all moviegoers to take advantage of this.?

Final Take
Rimma Kats is associate editor on Mobile Marketer, New York