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April 28 webinar: Belle Tire: How to Create an Effective Mobile Coupon Strategy

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How does one of the leading tire retailers run mobile coupon campaigns to drive traffic to its stores? Register now for the April 28 free webinar case study and best-practice tips from Belle Tire and sponsor Hipcricket.

The hour-long webinar, which is part of the Mobile Marketer webinar series, will discuss strategies and tactics that retailers and marketers require to run effective campaigns using mobile coupons ? arguably the most effective retail traffic driver among all mobile marketing tactics and with the highest response rates.

?Mobile coupons is mobile at its best: incentive combined with ease, portability and tracking to steer foot traffic into stores,? said Mickey Alam Khan, editor of Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily.

?Be they SMS-based or bar code and image tags, mobile coupons have the potential to not just drive incremental business but also build a loyal customer base in an era where consumers are looking for deals from brands they trust and that look out for them,? he said.

The panel participants include Don Barnes, marketing manager at Belle Tire, and Eric Harber, president and chief operating officer of mobile marketing firm Hipcricket.

Mobile Marketer staff reporter Dan Butcher will moderate.

Webinar themes:

? Why the mobile coupon is the best store driver
? Overview of mobile coupons: Research, types, use cases and integration with other channels
? Belle Tire case study: How mobile coupons helped the retailer win new customers and retain existing business
? Key takeaways from the Belle Tire effort
? How retailers and marketers can get started with mobile coupon programs
? Best-practice tips for mobile coupons

Please click here to register for the webinar, ?Belle Tire: How to Create an Effective Mobile Coupon Strategy.?

Free webinar

Title: Belle Tire: How to Create an Effective Mobile Coupon Strategy

Date: Wednesday, April 28

Time: 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET

Focus: Mobile coupons are known to have the highest customer response among all mobile marketing channels. But how can retailers and marketers incorporate mobile coupons into their overall customer acquisition and retention strategies?

Also, how easy is it to launch a mobile coupon effort? What are some of the benefits as well as the complexities involved? And is SMS the ideal mobile coupon tool or should the options also include bar codes, tags and other image-based coupons?

Webinar registrants will get first-hand advice and tips from experts in the field, including a key executive from retailer Belle Tire, which found mobile coupons worked to drive traffic to its stores in a highly competitive market, and Hipcricket, a veteran of 50,000-plus mobile campaigns. 


? Don Barnes, marketing manager, Belle Tire
? Eric Harber, president and chief operating officer, Hipcricket


? Dan Butcher, staff reporter, Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily

Webinar themes:

? Why the mobile coupon is the best store driver
? Overview of mobile coupons: Research, types, use cases and integration with other channels
? Belle Tire case study: How mobile coupons helped the retailer win new customers and retain existing business
? Key takeaways from the Belle Tire effort
? How retailers and marketers can get started with mobile coupon programs
? Best-practice tips for mobile coupons

Bonus: Research-, data- and image-packed presentation deck for registrants who attend the webinar and request the document

Please click here to register for the free webinar