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Utah Department of Transportation goes mobile

The Utah Department of Transportation has launched a mobile version of its CommuterLink site, giving the state's travelers real-time traffic data while on-the-go.

The CommuterLink mobile site at can be accessed from any Web-enabled mobile phone or PDA. Powered by Usablenet, the site provides travelers with traffic data from most of Utah's major roads.

"The strategy for UDOT is to extend the benefits of the upgraded Web site and provide 24/7 access to key services for mobile users such as traffic reports and Web cams," said Jason Taylor, vice president of mobile products at Usablenet, New York.

"The majority of UDOT's information is to provide assistance to travelers and commuters and that means the majority of users are mobile at some point in time when they need the information, so mobile was a logical step," he said.

Usablenet Mobile is a fully managed service that leverages the features and functionality of a company's existing Web site and extends it to all mobile devices, regardless of carrier.

UDOT's mobile CommuterLink site lets the public view snapshots from more than 400 traffic cameras that are refreshed every 2 minutes.

Incidents and construction zones are marked on roads throughout the state and color-coded maps show travel speeds on the major highways along the Wasatch Front.

The recent addition of new cameras gives users better coverage. The site also gives users map views of the entire state, with easy navigation.

CommuterLink Mobile's features such as traffic cameras, current traffic incidents, variable message signs and road conditions are the same as the Web site, but in a condensed version for speed.

"The site is optimized for mobile in few ways," Mr. Taylor said. "The information items on the mobile site are the most relevant for mobile users.

"The content is organized for quick review," he said. "The information and pages, including maps, are optimized for fast download and small-screen viewing.

"The site will provide mobile users with access to key travel information while away from their computers."