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Momail lets users mobilize Web mail

Momail has launched a Mobile Postman to mobilize Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo Mail to make it easier for users to access their email accounts while on-the-go.

While there are many email users on the Web, the same is not true for mobile email, which requires a download of an application or a client server. This could be time consuming and is a reason for low mobile email usage.

"The three big email providers together have 600 million Web mail accounts and only 2 to 3 percent are mobilized, mostly by business professionals by their company-paid BlackBerrys," said Lars Aase, vice president of marketing at Momail, Stockholm, Sweden.

Momail now supports email accounts including Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo Mail and other Internet service provider mail.

With Momail as the Mobile Postman, users can combine all email accounts into one mobile superinbox. This is possible through Momails MMOPE-technology.

Additionally, all emails are optimized to work on the handset model they are sent to. This saves up to 99.9 percent of mobile data and lowers cost while making the transfer quick, Momail claims.

Momail works on almost 1,100 different mobiles, or more than 80 percent of the handsets out there, Mr. Aase said.

"Now anyone can mobilize their personal Web mail, without the need of buying a BlackBerry or having to download any special client software on their mobile," Mr. Aase said.

"Furthermore, Momail has mobile spam and virus protection that checks all emails before they arrive to the recipient's handset," he said.