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Hooters pushes deals to further engage SMS consumers

Restaurant chain Hooters of America is continuing to keep its opted in SMS users on their toes with a new message that offers them free wings with a purchase.

Hooters has been growing its mobile database over the years. And, SMS is a great way for the company to build an ongoing relationship with consumers. State of Text powers Hooters' SMS campaigns.

?Hooters of America stores ran a promotion that offered a buy 10 get 10 free wings with purchase of a drink,? said Rachel Jensen, director of marketing at State of Text, Denver.

"Since 2008, Hooters of America has continued to partner with State of Text for its SMS campaigns because Hooters recognizes the value of SMS when it comes to driving foot-traffic to their locations and offering valuable promotions that show appreciation to their patrons,? she said.

Mobile message
Hooters sent out an SMS message to its opted-in users that read, ?Hooters VIP: Show this text today (1/27) and buy 10 wings and get 10 wings FREE with the purchase of a drink! Dine in only.?

A mobile campaign such as this is a great way to help the company continue to build an ongoing relationship with consumers.

Moreover, the initiative is timely and features an incentive that will help drive traffic to Hooters locations.

Past efforts
Hooters has been running several campaigns to build up its SMS database.

In 2010, Hooters of America ran a national mobile sweepstakes that was promoted in 380 of the restaurant chain?s domestic locations.

The text-to-win promotion gave Hooters customers the chance to win a trip for two to Las Vegas to meet country music star Kenny Chesney during his concert at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. Hooters partnered with Kenny Chesney?s to host the text-to-win promotion that consumers were able to enter by texting the keyword KENNY to short code 36832 (see story).

In 2011, Hooters proved that it was a force to reckon with in the mobile space via a campaign that used mobile bar codes and social media to further drive brand awareness (see story).

Most recently, Restaurant chain Hooters of America built up its mobile database with an SMS campaign that offered consumers a chance to win a trip to the destination of their choice (see story).

?State of Text is always working to upgrade our software in order to accommodate the needs of our clients like Hooters, so that they may leverage SMS for national campaigns down to the store-by-store level,? Ms. Jensen said.

Final Take
Rimma Kats is associate editor on Mobile Marketer, New York