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Adaptable ads average 4x higher CTR than standard ads: report

Advertisers are six times more likely to choose adaptable mobile ads rather than standard sizes and consumers are almost four times more likely to click on those ads as opposed to standard industry ads, according to a new study from Appsnack.

A global analysis of mobile ad campaigns in the first-quarter of 2013 showed that Snackbar ads accounted for 86 percent of ad impressions for mobile and tablet. Snackbar ads automatically format themselves to fit 10 percent of the screen?s size and sit at the bottom of the page. When a user clicks on the ad, it expands to fit 100 percent of the screen.

?The results indicate that mobile marketing success metrics are dependent on a wide range of factors including ease of ad implementation, size, placement and type of device,? said Niki Stoker, managing director at Exponential UK. ?These adaptable ads are extremely responsive with high engagement rates and are significantly more cost-efficient.?

Snackbar ads are offered by Exponential Interactive, the organization that owns Appsnack.

The study collected data from 37 advertisers across more than 12 sectors run through Appsnack.

Ad clicks
While the Snackbar ads accounted for 86 percent of ad views and 96 percent of clicks, standard ads accounted for 14 percent of ad views and just four percent of clicks.

Therefore, Snackbar ads have a 2.5 percent click-through rate, four times more than the standard industry ad click-through rate of 0.6 percent.

The study also found that tablet users are 24 percent more likely than smartphone users to click on Snackbar ads. Tablet click-through rates are 2.75 percent while smartphone click-through rates are 2.22 percent.

Additionally, rich media ads yield more clicks when they are the 300X250 ad format. For non-expanding units, the 728X90 banner size yield the most clicks.

Adaptable ads
Advertisers have long been questioning which size and form of ads are most successful.

Additionally, marketers are eager to find new advertising formats outside of banner ads.

In the past few months, many advertisers have been using larger format mobile ads, with an increase in the use of 480X320 mobile ads (see story).

Ms. Stoker, however, believes that these adaptable ads are an advertiser's best option.

Since adaptable mobile ads are the only ad to appear on a page, the brand gets more ownership over the space.

?They will shift the focus more toward brand awareness campaigns and provide more ways to boost overall impressions, encourage consumer engagement and ultimately provide brand value,? Ms. Stoker said.

?Crucially, they bridge the gap between screens and allow for one creative build to fit all screens, hugely simplifying the complex cross-channel experience for advertisers,? she said.

Final Take
Rebecca Borison is editorial assistant on Mobile Marketer, New York