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CNN values data in politics news app for digestible consumption

CNN has developed a standalone application for users wanting to get an in-depth look at politics and the 2016 election, with a data-driven experience that aims to provide an independent experience from its Web site and on-air content.

The CNN Politics app serves users data-driven content surrounding the current presidential election with visualizations, results along with extensive explanations, breaking news, video and personalized push notifications. The political news app?s heavy focus on data is representative of this year?s election being so data-driven, and CNN hopes to provide a more comprehensive content experience that is unique from its other platforms. 

?An app should only exist if it offers a differentiated proposition in the marketplace - an app that is just a prettier version of what is on your website will quickly become a useless bookmark on a user's phone,? said Ed O?Keefe, senior vice president and overseer of CNN politics at CNN. ?The best apps are relevant to the user's daily life; they serve a purpose, they answer a need or a question.  

?The CNN Politics app answers the question who's winning and why,? he said. ?The CNN Politics app is not a compendium of every single thing we have done on CNN or  

?It is a data driven experience, focusing on the demographics driving this race. We will explore the polling, exit polls, past results, the delegate math, battleground index, and the big, breaking news plus enterprise stories of this incredible election.?

Politics on the go 
Users on the CNN Politics app can get an in-depth look at what is happening in the election and politics in general through an experience that can be tailored to the individual. The app serves a detailed look at who is polling higher, where, why and the meaning behind the numbers. 

CNN Politics is available for iOS

Individuals can personalize their notifications based on which stories and subjects matter to them. The app will leverage push notifications to keep users informed in real time. 

Technology-driven content
CNN is tapping into CA Technologies for analytic software to keep track of the campaigns, paired with its extensive content related to the election and politics. The idea is to serve users easily digestible content that is indicative of a Snapchat experience mixed with hard-hitting news. 

CNN's new app also shows data from trending topics

Digital journalist Juana Summers will be the voice of news app, along with contributions from other CNN personalities. The idea for the app first came up in 2015, but was benched until CA Technologies got involved to create the data-driven experience it is now. 

?The CNN Politics app is the button you push on your phone when you want to know who's winning and why,? Mr. O?Keefe said.  ?Simple, Easy, Intuitive.?

?Juana, with help of Dianna Heitz, Eli Watkins, and Zach Wolf, is going to dive into the demographics,? he said. ?What can we learn and predict, when is the past prologue, and how can we better understand how our country is changing, what issues are driving the conversation, and what life is like in America by listening to the people's voice.

?Post-election, we will shift the app to focus on the new president, the relationship between the White House and Congress, the new Senate and House and the major debates - both social and economic - of our time. But it will remain a data-centric app - because the numbers tell the story.?