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ABI Research, comScore, IAB ? News briefs

Handheld gaming device shipments to decline as smartphone, tablet engagement grows
Shipments for handheld gaming devices from Sony and Nintendo are expected to decline slightly as smartphone and tablet use for gaming continues to grow and expand, according to a new study by ABI Research.

According to the study, more than 38 million handheld gaming devices from Sony and Nintendo are expected to ship in 2013 ? a maximum that is significantly lower than the previous peak of 47 million units in 2008.

Additionally, unit shipments following 2013 are expected to decline slightly, but dedicated handheld gaming devices are a sustainable niche, with forecasts relatively flat through 2017.

The mobile and tablet markets have increased consumers? price sensitivity, per ABI.

The study also proves that mobile gaming is continuing to gain traction and consumers are leaning towards their smartphone and tablet devices.

Majority of tablet users watch video on their device: study
Tablet users are nearly three times more likely to watch video on their device compared to smartphone users, with one in every ten viewing video content almost daily, according to a new study by comScore.

The report shows that tablets are continuing to pick up steam in the United States with one in every four smartphone owners using tablets during the three-month average period ending April 2012.

According to comScore, in April, 16.5 percent of mobile phone subscribers used a tablet, representing an increase of 11.8 percentage points in the past year.

Growth in market penetration was even more apparent among the smartphone population with nearly one in four using a tablet device in April, an increase of 13.9 percentage points in the past year.

Additionally, a lower 10.4 percent of feature phone owners use a tablet, suggesting that smartphone ownership is highly predictive of tablet adoption in the current market.

For both devices, the heaviest overall audience concentration was between the ages of 25-44.

Compared to smartphone owners, tablet users were 28 percent more likely to be in the 65 and older age segment, and 27 percent less likely to be age 18-24. 

In addition, tablet users also skewed toward upper income households and nearly three in five tablet users resided in households with income of $75,000 or greater, compared to 1 in every 2 smartphone users.  

IAB rolls out new online hub to help businesses maximize mobile efforts
The Interactive Advertising Bureau has launched its Tap into Mobile online hub to help businesses find resources to better optimize sites for the mobile Web.

The new tool is aimed to be a one-stop-shop for companies and organizations who are looking to take their mobile efforts to the next level.

Through tap into mobile, businesses can analyze their Web site?s mobile user experience to determine how mobile-friendly it is and what can be done to optimize it, as well as hain a better understanding of the expanding role mobile plays in the digital marketplace through best practices, mobile guidelines, case studies, and data points.